This incident took place about fifteen or sixteen years ago even more now. I have never seen anything like this and have done some investigation into other sightings but have come up empty so far.
My husband (at the time my boyfriend) and I were headed up to a small lake area in the Ontario Kawarthas. It was a Friday night, just after six o’clock pm and we were on a highway we had traveled uncountable times. It was winter and we planned on snowmobiling the next day after settling into the small cabin we used on his parent’s property.
We were about one and half hours into a two-hour trip when we hit a snowstorm that blotted out the road, the trees and most of the buildings we were passing. You could not see anything until you were on top of it. The road was silent beneath the tires of the truck as we crept along slowly making our way through the white wall in front of us. The road we were on was winding and took several tight curves in the darkness as we drove in between very small towns with no streetlights at all. Some buildings had bright lights on but that only obscured our vision more as the light reflected off the falling snow. Our headlights acted in the same manner as the building lights and we needed to keep the low beams on just to see.
About fifteen minutes into this white-knuckle drive the snowfall became heavier and the flakes stuck together and were the size of rose petals. It became more difficult to see and we had to slow down even more. I asked my husband if we should stop for a while and he said no I know where I’m going and we will be out of this soon. I had heard that a few too many times and I was feeling unsure and for a good reason.
Against my better judgment we pressed on and the snow did not let up. I could feel the sense of unease my husband had and he was struggling to keep the truck on the road as the curves did not lie visually before us any more and we turned only at the last moment for every curve we encountered. This was a treacherous go and I was nervous.
We had just passed a small town and my husband indicated to me that we were now upon the worst part of the road where it curved through the farmer’s fields and there would be no more buildings with lights for several kilometers. The tension in the truck grew around our silence as we drove slowly out of the lights of the town.
It was very dark and our headlights shone on the falling snow and we could see nothing else. My husband almost missed the first corner and of course with a gale of profanity got us back on the road or so we thought. Another corner and another almost miss of the road. I was now scared when a very large gray dog came up along the passenger side of the truck. This dog appeared out of the snowstorm and was running along side the truck up near the wheel well and fender. It was huge. The shoulders were as high as the engine hood and the head was massive. It was a little shaggy looking and had no collar or other markings. We were traveling at fifty kilometers per hour and this animal was keeping pace with the truck. We navigated another curve with this animal beside us. My husband thought it was crazy as it kept running into the fender of the truck and forcing my husband to veer to the left of the road. The curve had been invisible to us and on the other side of it was a grouping of trees that would have surly taken our lives had we collided with any of them. If not we would have died of exposure.
This dog then began to growl at the front of the truck and sped up and ran in front of the truck and was gone. We did not feel a thump or a bump and we could not see anything on the road behind us. Not that we could see much anyway. We looked at each other with that "did that really happen" look on our faces. Yes it did, it did really happen.
A little further along the snow began to slow and we could see well enough to get our bearings and continue on to the cabin. It stared to sink in as we were unloading and starting the fire that what ever that was saved our lives that night.
Blessed Be Creature of the Night and… Thank You.