Taurus the Bull
Taurus by nature are steadfast and strong, loving, giving and practical. People born under this sign are loyal, stable and balanced. Taurus does not like change. Venus the planet of love, pleasures and fine arts rules the second sign in the Zodiac. Taurus is an earth sign that is fixed meaning this sign represents the season at its height.
Mental characteristics are keen-witted and intellectual. Although most Taurus become fixed in their opinions they will follow reliable patterns of experience. In the face of difficult times Taurus will be dependable, prudent and just. Vices arise from virtues and there is a tendency to be lavish towards admired conventions.
Occasionally but very rare are the traits that make a Taurus self-righteous, argumentative, unoriginal and rigid. But for the most part these traits are sub-dominant and mean very little to the overall picture of a true Taurus.
With friends Taurus are faithful, generous and have a great capacity for affection. Most times friends are kept within the social ranks where most are excessively faithful. The most part Taurus are modest, good-natured, even-tempered, dislike arguments, avoid ill feeling and are slow to anger. However once buttons are pushed a few too many times Taurus can explode with a ferocity in which all self control appears to have vanished. Although they can also explode in the opposite direction into humour and fun.
Physical appearance aside Taurus have a strong aesthetic taste, loving art, where many are very talented, beauty of the world (recoiling from the ugly) and music. A strong and sometimes unconventional, religious faith can be part of this sign. Married to the taste for all things beautiful is a love of life pleasures, comfort, luxury and good food and wine.
In work Taurus are industrious and crafts people who have no fear of getting their hands dirty. Rewards from their own work not that of others make Taurus flourish. They can succeed in many trades including banking, farming, medicine and the arts. Taurus are good managers and make ideal trustees and guardians.
Ruled by Venus, Taurus are sensual but slightly self-conscience. Very sexually straightforward and not driven to experiment in this area. They do however make loving homes with their spouses and become loving parents that do not demand too much of the families. Taurus are usually very magnanimous in forgiveness as long as the other person will meet them half way.