I often feel that my writing come out as I start the
piece itself. A moment ago I had absolutely no idea of what topic I wanted to
discuss today. I still have no idea. So I guess I will talk about ideas.
I have always been curious how the human mind works,
curious to the point of taking human phycology 101. It was never explained to
me where our ideas come from or how we come up with them. I know it is said
that need it the cause of invention so I have always believed to a point that
we developed things (for lack of a better word) to help us work more efficiently.
But that still does not tell me where ideas come from.
The other day I had a knitting project idea, but it
was not really my idea. It was someone else’s but I could modify it for my own
purposes. So that leads me to think that we often get ideas from other. Is that
stealing? Yes, I think it is if no credit is given to the owner of the original
idea. Now that brings me to original. Do we have any more original ideas?
Let’s look at the love song. It has been said
thousands of different ways in music from a soft ballad to the raunchiest of
lyrics and yet we still write more and more and more songs about love and of
course heart break. The ideas for musical compositions are original for the
most part and are from the creative mind of the artist. So that leaves me
thinking about other types of creativity such as knitting, sewing, and other
forms of crafts Are the3wse really that creative and are the ideas original and
who thought of them first.
Of course we pass on ideas to each other we would be
a stagnant world if we did not communicate our ideas through our thoughts and
voice. But do we have a right to own those ideas if they are not our original
ideas, ideas that belong strictly to oneself? I would say no we do not have
that right. We need to give credit. Just as I gave credit to the woman whom I
got the knitting idea from she must give credit to where she got the idea. If
it is hers then please take the credit. But all that being said do we really
want to give up that ego trip when some says” Aren’t you creative.” No we do
not. So I sit in my dilemma and hold my question out there for feedback…Where
do ideas come from in our minds are they ours or have we gathered them from
somewhere or someone else???
Leave your thoughts on my FB page. Thanks. The Lisa Anne Files