Thursday, 20 July 2017

WE Will Never Be ABle To Change It

So we have had a very wet summer. If you live in Southern Ontario you have experienced nothing but day after day of rain, thunder storms and dampness. Arthritis pain at its peak in the elderly and those that suffer from the dreaded complication of life. So what can we do? We can complain to the ends of the earth, we can pray to whatever God there might be out there or can we just grin and bear it???

I have had all I can take of the grin and bear it idea. I know there is nothing I can do to change the weather and complaining makes it all worse but I just wish that it would be easy to flip a switch and have a few nice sunny days in a row. Well if it were that easy someone else would have done it by now.
So what about easy…..should life be easy or should we struggle? Struggle is good it keeps our animal instincts active and we never know when we might need to…well run from a bear let’s say…. Never mind about that really. We all have struggle and it is a part of life that make us stronger and causes us to grow. We need adversity to learn and we need to learn to grow. Humans can be so stagnant at times. It is almost as if we have become boring. You rarely see an adult discipline a child in public anymore and that child runs an muck right over Mom or Dad because the adults are afraid to say no in front of other adults for they may be judged, criticized or worse misunderstood and have malice placed where there may have been none to begin with at all.

It appeals me that parents will not take responsibility for their children or their behaviour. I cannot tell you how many times I have left a shopping cart full and left the store with my child as she was disturbing others. I did it once with each child they learned to behave. I know not every child is the same and not every person is the same and we do thing differently and, and, and, and…….I know. But this rant comes from deep within the channels of an overly judgmental society that is uneducated about child rearing. Since this is one of the most important thing we do in our lives….here is a thought do you not think we should have to take parenting 101 in school. We spend so much time on math and science and what you want to be when you grow up but we avoid the basic fact that we, most of us will be parents and have no clue how to care for and infant let alone the fumbling through the two’s and into the teen years.
Now those of you who do not know me might say who the @%^$#!# does she think she is???? Well just a bit of my back ground, I am a former RECE and I spent over thirty years in the child care industry. I have raised five different families, other than my own and two of those into the teen years. It was never easy but what it was for was a lesson before my own children came into being. Not so much practice but learning through experience.

Now you are all wondering what this must have to do with crying about the weather? It is something that we will never be able to change…..
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Thursday, 16 February 2017

How Do You Destress????

Have you ever thought about the amount of stress you are in or that has been created for you to shoulder? I have. There is a lot when it comes to being an adult in society. We put pressure on ourselves in so many ways and yet we try to alleviate it when we can and sometimes that is not always a good thing or a bad thing it depends on how you choose to release.

Stress release can come in many forms from the simple to the bizzar. People choose to relieve stress in their own way. I like to run and think when I run. I often make up stories to write or even write blogs in my head as I move along and I find this relaxing and enjoyable. I find that I relax when I move so I find activities where I am moving and cannot be tense or stressed out during that movement. Other family members find that riding motorized vehicles relieve stress but I can only find more stress in that activity. The noise and the vibrations drive me nuts and I cannot relax when I am terrified for my life.

But moving along it come to mind that I have often spoken to people who enjoy going to the movies and having the day disappear into a story told with action and special effects. Some say relaxing is a rest on the couch or in an easy chair. Other a walk in a calming environment such as a forest or a field where no one else is around.

Maybe that is it maybe it is about solitude? Or not? Do you like to relax with company, friends or family around you? Or do you prefer to be alone? Many of us are creature of company and prefer to be with others during our relaxing time. Whether that be a significant other or it be a group of friends out for the evening it is up to you how you feel you many want to destress.
Destressing can be a wonderful and rich experience. Some of us enjoy meditation and the delve into your mind. Taking yourself on a trip through a guided path or a journey that has no beginning or end could be the most successful form of relaxation. To find yourself and search your soul and develop control and direction into the inner spirit of your consciousness. Find the pathway to self-enlightenment and follow it to the destress marker where your world becomes relaxed and enjoyable.

What about crafting or collecting. I have met stamp collectors who spend a great deal of time with their collections and organize them so carefully and with such pride. It seems so peaceful to look at something that has such a small value but can be so great at the same time. While other I have known tend to craft, mostly knit to relax. The creation of a garment that is wearable and beautiful can not only be destressing but satisfying to the soul as an accomplished task. What about drawing or painting these both seem like calming activities to me and I would love to be able to do either one of them but my skills end somewhere.

I think most of all though I love to write to relax. It allows me to empty my thoughts onto a page and share them with you. Not all thoughts are worthy of sharing but for the most part I can come up with something to say to make the time go by.

So now I come to my last thought. Destress by reading. There is now where better than inside of a great book to lose the stress of the day and to disappear for awhile and to fall asleep.  
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