Thursday 20 July 2017

WE Will Never Be ABle To Change It

So we have had a very wet summer. If you live in Southern Ontario you have experienced nothing but day after day of rain, thunder storms and dampness. Arthritis pain at its peak in the elderly and those that suffer from the dreaded complication of life. So what can we do? We can complain to the ends of the earth, we can pray to whatever God there might be out there or can we just grin and bear it???

I have had all I can take of the grin and bear it idea. I know there is nothing I can do to change the weather and complaining makes it all worse but I just wish that it would be easy to flip a switch and have a few nice sunny days in a row. Well if it were that easy someone else would have done it by now.
So what about easy…..should life be easy or should we struggle? Struggle is good it keeps our animal instincts active and we never know when we might need to…well run from a bear let’s say…. Never mind about that really. We all have struggle and it is a part of life that make us stronger and causes us to grow. We need adversity to learn and we need to learn to grow. Humans can be so stagnant at times. It is almost as if we have become boring. You rarely see an adult discipline a child in public anymore and that child runs an muck right over Mom or Dad because the adults are afraid to say no in front of other adults for they may be judged, criticized or worse misunderstood and have malice placed where there may have been none to begin with at all.

It appeals me that parents will not take responsibility for their children or their behaviour. I cannot tell you how many times I have left a shopping cart full and left the store with my child as she was disturbing others. I did it once with each child they learned to behave. I know not every child is the same and not every person is the same and we do thing differently and, and, and, and…….I know. But this rant comes from deep within the channels of an overly judgmental society that is uneducated about child rearing. Since this is one of the most important thing we do in our lives….here is a thought do you not think we should have to take parenting 101 in school. We spend so much time on math and science and what you want to be when you grow up but we avoid the basic fact that we, most of us will be parents and have no clue how to care for and infant let alone the fumbling through the two’s and into the teen years.
Now those of you who do not know me might say who the @%^$#!# does she think she is???? Well just a bit of my back ground, I am a former RECE and I spent over thirty years in the child care industry. I have raised five different families, other than my own and two of those into the teen years. It was never easy but what it was for was a lesson before my own children came into being. Not so much practice but learning through experience.

Now you are all wondering what this must have to do with crying about the weather? It is something that we will never be able to change…..
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Thursday 16 February 2017

How Do You Destress????

Have you ever thought about the amount of stress you are in or that has been created for you to shoulder? I have. There is a lot when it comes to being an adult in society. We put pressure on ourselves in so many ways and yet we try to alleviate it when we can and sometimes that is not always a good thing or a bad thing it depends on how you choose to release.

Stress release can come in many forms from the simple to the bizzar. People choose to relieve stress in their own way. I like to run and think when I run. I often make up stories to write or even write blogs in my head as I move along and I find this relaxing and enjoyable. I find that I relax when I move so I find activities where I am moving and cannot be tense or stressed out during that movement. Other family members find that riding motorized vehicles relieve stress but I can only find more stress in that activity. The noise and the vibrations drive me nuts and I cannot relax when I am terrified for my life.

But moving along it come to mind that I have often spoken to people who enjoy going to the movies and having the day disappear into a story told with action and special effects. Some say relaxing is a rest on the couch or in an easy chair. Other a walk in a calming environment such as a forest or a field where no one else is around.

Maybe that is it maybe it is about solitude? Or not? Do you like to relax with company, friends or family around you? Or do you prefer to be alone? Many of us are creature of company and prefer to be with others during our relaxing time. Whether that be a significant other or it be a group of friends out for the evening it is up to you how you feel you many want to destress.
Destressing can be a wonderful and rich experience. Some of us enjoy meditation and the delve into your mind. Taking yourself on a trip through a guided path or a journey that has no beginning or end could be the most successful form of relaxation. To find yourself and search your soul and develop control and direction into the inner spirit of your consciousness. Find the pathway to self-enlightenment and follow it to the destress marker where your world becomes relaxed and enjoyable.

What about crafting or collecting. I have met stamp collectors who spend a great deal of time with their collections and organize them so carefully and with such pride. It seems so peaceful to look at something that has such a small value but can be so great at the same time. While other I have known tend to craft, mostly knit to relax. The creation of a garment that is wearable and beautiful can not only be destressing but satisfying to the soul as an accomplished task. What about drawing or painting these both seem like calming activities to me and I would love to be able to do either one of them but my skills end somewhere.

I think most of all though I love to write to relax. It allows me to empty my thoughts onto a page and share them with you. Not all thoughts are worthy of sharing but for the most part I can come up with something to say to make the time go by.

So now I come to my last thought. Destress by reading. There is now where better than inside of a great book to lose the stress of the day and to disappear for awhile and to fall asleep.  
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Thursday 15 September 2016

Human Beings and Thoughts About Talent

Writing always makes me drift away into some great place that has intrigued my mind. Writing fiction can be captivating and fun. The places one can travel in your own mind are and incredible journey and a gift. I guess it takes some effort for most of us to put down on paper what we truly think about. I often wonder about the author of Fifty Shades of Gray, E.L. James and what goes on in her mind or even the great Steven King and all of his collection of stories. I guess those of us who write just have some crazy thoughts.

I like thinking about abstract worlds and the characters that live or visit these places. I love to have people fall into large bottomless pits but yet still manage to survive the incident somehow and unscathed. The creative mind at its finest shows us what humans can do to entertain ourselves. Have you ever wondered why we do all these things, the creative things I mean? It is all just entertainment.

Humans get bored. As a child I often found myself saying I am bored only to be told to go and find something to do. Something to entertain myself. Often I found myself playing imaginary games in imaginary worlds doing incredible feats of super power magic. I would be Super Girl or Wonder Woman and it was let the games begin. For hours Barbie would be a dear companion and her host of many friends would stop by for parties and for other sorted activities. So I was entertained.

We do all of these things to keep ourselves busy. We have jobs to pay for these opportunities of entertainment. I find it odd how we have created a society based on the desire for entertainment. Now entertainment for some is different than for others but we still must be entertained somehow. For some people it is the making of money that drives them and it can be found as entertaining. For others entertainment is not the accusation of an asset but just the opposite, the spending of the accusation. I am not sure where this puts me other than directly in the middle as I love to make money to spend money so that I am entertained. Although if we go back to the beginning of this essay it looks like I can entertain myself pretty well in my own head and then shared it.

As we grow as a society we have learned that we have something unique about us. Whether it is a musical talent, writing, cooking, animal whisperer, mechanic, financial advisor, CEO and on and on, we see things that we do not so much as jobs or careers but as a talent. Look at the great of this world, Mozart for a big example, very talented musically, now today we can say that Warren Buffet is talented for his money skills. See what I am getting at?
It is about following your heart and desires in life. I wish we had more of a Star Trek society where money was gone and we focused on talent, but that will not be any time soon in our near future. For now, we must earn a living and work on our talents. Do not forget to bush up those post-apocalyptic skills that most of our younger generation do not have…sewing, cooking, knitting, whittling and so on. Those disappearing talents that not so long ago kept people alive. Those things that we all learned to survive.

So what goes on in the creative mind of the human race? Drift away in your own thoughts and let the talents shine through.
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Tuesday 2 August 2016

My Retort to the Slaying of My Opinion on FB

As I sit here trying to think of today’s topic for discussion I drift back to a comment I made on a Facebook post. I made this statement in my usual open ended way and then was attacked from all sides. I believe that we are all individuals with the rights to choose and that includes our children. I also believe that we need to look at both sides to understand and the following is something I feel has left out more than a great deal from the other side.
I never speak about religion on this blog. Why? Well I just do not want to cause that much controversy. But I suppose I have opened the door and this one time I will speak to defend my position. On Saturday just past I was scrolling Facebook and came across a post from The Witch’s Voice, a page that posts about usually up beat and rather positive pagan information including articles about alternative religion. The post about Satanic Clubs greared towards children and that the USA maybe allowing these types of clubs to open for after school care. I just about shit my pants. As the headline read “An After School Satanic Club Could Be Coming to Your Kid’s Elementary School” my comment read “This is not okay…..”. This opened the door for a lot of BS from some very vocal folks defending this poor choice. To the average individual who truly understands religion and that there is both the good and the ugly taught and that we work with both sides it seems a no brainer. But there are some of us out there that think this is a good idea. I am not saying that the people that choose to believe in such a one-sided portion of a religion do not love their children and want only the best for them I am saying however that this approach to teaching a negative and destructive lifestyle that can be consuming as a cult and delivers such a dark message should be at best left to the choices of an adult to join or not to join.
No I just stated my opinion on the FB post and was name called for having an opinion. By-the-way I did read the article and not only did I read it once but read it several time to make sure I have the information correct. I am not saying to take away anyone’s rights I am saying that it is not okay in this day and age when we are trying to open the doors of love and respect to preach from such a one-sided opinion and that the opinion of the Christian Devil. Remember the angel Lucifer was abolished from Heaven for only loving God and not loving any of God’s children etc. Well that is how I view this branch cult of the Christian religion. This is my opinion and everyone is allowed to have one!!! So when I say something in my opinion is not right than it is just my right to voice what I feel and think. I did not trash anyone for their poor response or the fat that I was name called and I am not going to that but I do feel that people with these types of thoughts should delve deeper, ask the questions as to why I would think this way, open a discussion. The mind should be open and allow for an opportunity to give thoughts and feelings to other’s and to listen to those of others. Not to be trashed and put down because you have miss understood what I was trying to do and what my thoughts and feelings were about this issue.

I believe in freedom of choice and that includes the education of religion. Children needs to be given the opportunity to choose what they believe and be allowed to follow their own paths to the place where their thoughts and feelings meet and make sense. It is not about shoving religion into their lives and forcing them to go to an after school program based solely on a negative culture that supports a selfish behaviour. I know, I know here comes the back lash. It is about the freedom of choice and yes parents are there to make choices for their children until the child is old enough to make their own decisions but for the sake of all that is alive in this world be real and open up the mind and see….inappropriate….


Here is the link to the page The Witches' Voice, Inc. shared a link.

I have stopped following them.
To the FB posters....

It is not making a joke of anything.

I am not anti-anything that is an appropriate choice for the greater good of all.

I am not like any generalized visions you have and you are very mistaken.

It is you who have be greatly mistaken and jumped to the wrong conclusions. Good luck and Blessed Be.

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Tuesday 21 June 2016

Being More than Perfect

I am the world’s worst grammar and spelling Nazi. I often post blogs with spelling and grammatical errors and then never go back and fix them. I hunt down errors in other’s work and point them out for correction but rarely ever do this for myself. I am not sure if it is because I am finding it in the work of other and I do not find the time for my own work or that I just do not care that much. I think I care far too much and for that I pay a price.

I know that when you correct someone on the internet it is not always well received. It is hard to infer inflections in voice tone through a comment on a post so sometimes I am miss understood and feel that I have upset someone. This is not the best method of communication for this purpose sometimes. I have been ignored and shouted at via comment on several occasions over a simple correction. I have been abused through words from other and as never my intention to insult has apparently been miss read. I only ever meant to help. I often wish someone would kindly help me if I make a mistake and did not notice.
So what is this focus on perfection? I mean there is good and there is awful and there is downright wrong but what is the focus on perfection. And what is perfection? I wrote an article a while ago about the over use of the word perfect and spoke of how people were saying it in context to something that cannot ever be perfect, specifically people or and action. So I get it when we want spelling and grammar to be perfect and I try to attain that but I often see in my life and in daily interactions with other that there is no such thing and perfect and that this idealization of the perfection in magazines and other forms of media is unattainable and absolutely viscous. I certainly could never cook that meal the way it looks on the cover of Chatalene as it has been done by a food dresser, yes a food dresser, so it looks perfect in fact often the food is raw when photographed and just made to look great to sell. Oh there I said it to sell. Yes, that is right sex sell. So I guess even food can be sexy…..what about spelling and grammar? Can that be sexy too? I want to sell good grammar and spelling to the world so that I can communicate better and understand more. I do not think I need it to be sexy to sell to me but maybe the world needs it that way?
So why is it that we do not care if we make mistake? I get the feeling that some of us out there are in the “That is good enough” category and just give up on trying and amassing that go nowhere attitude of “who cares”. Well I am here to tell you I care. I care about this world and what we leave behind as our legacy. I am appalled at many, many, many things that go on in the world but for some small reason I care. It makes me feel good to care although frustration is involved sometimes I still care. I just wish more people would care. It is such a crying shame that this has become a world of self-righteous individuals who believe they are entitled and that what they do to another person means nothing. It is no wonder our jails are over flowing (oh I better not go there, that is another subject all together). I mean there are people out there that think their actions have absolutely no repercussions on the rest of the world or ever the small corner they stand in.

So how do we stand to use a statement of “perfect” when we cannot even pick up our own trash? We are flawed in almost every way possible we make mistakes and we are able to learn from most of them on an individual basis but why not on a human basis? I find it sad that we cannot be less industrious and just a little kinder to our planet that supports us. I see we treat our most precious resource, the earth, with as little respect as we have for our own spelling and grammar.
I hope there were not too many mistakes in this piece as I feel I might just ignore them...
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Friday 27 May 2016

Illness and It's Cures or Are They?

I love to write and complain sometimes but today is different. The world seems a little different itself. How I have not put my finger on but it is different. The grass is green and the dandelions have died back for a couple of weeks and the vegetable garden is planted and we are having a heat wave. It could be the weather but something is different.
I have had the awful cold for the last week and it has knocked me down and taken a toll for the worse and maybe today I just feel a little better or maybe just this moment I am not sure. But since I am on the topic of health here is a thought…just how many of us have been sick during this hot weather? It was unheard of to be sick in the heat when I was a child. It seems we did not get cold enough over the winter just past to help control the viruses or is that just a myth too?

There are so many myths surrounding health it is hard to know what is the truth and what is fiction. I personally like the one about tying onions to the feet of a person with a cold and it will draw out the infection and virus. Yes….I said it out loud tie an onion slice to the feet of an ill person the bottom of thee feet by the way. I can tell you one thing about onions they do seem to draw dirt and germs to them for some reason or another but to cure a cold seems just too far-fetched for me.
Here is a gross and very dangerous one. Feeding Tape Worms to someone to lose weight and clean the intestine. Obviously the worms grow in the intestines and absorb the food nutrients. How gross is that??? This is something I would never do or even recommend…..yuck!!!

So to cure a nose bleed it was suggested to drink whey and eat raisins. I am not sure what the logic behind this as it was not explained but it sounds kind of hokey to me. What does a raisin have to do with our noses???

Here is a personal favorite, to cure gout in the hand put a raw lean beef steak on it and change it every twelve hours until cured. Wow that is an expensive cure too bad the meat is not eatable afterwards!!!

How about bloodletting to drain an illness from the body. Just makes one weak and more ill as far as I am concerned. Good thing these practices are archaic and not used any more. We have come a long way with medical treatments and knowledge. Thank goodness….

I am sure the list goes on and on over crazy cures for illness. We had a neighbour who believed himself a healer of some sort and often practiced crazy folk lore medicine in his home. Nothing ever worked and they always wound up at the doctor’s office sicker than sick. Personal choice of course but to what end? We have such great medical knowledge now a days that we have no excuse for being silly. I mean come on onions on the feet….I cannot stop laughing!!!

That brings me to my thought on prevention of illness. We must remember that not everything is preventable and not everything is curable either. We are humans and we are fallible so why is it that we are still not immunizing our children??? I have read articles and listened to media reports and heard the schools talk about it too and how important it is to do this for the health of our children. And for the health of others that have medical reasons to not have immunizations because they may be life threatening. If you have not heard there is new research that has come out claiming that it is not the immunizations that are causing Autism it could be the over use of folic acid and B12 supplements that are having an adverse effect on the developing fetus. That is yet to be determined and studied in depth of course.

But never mind my side ways rant, today is still a good day and tomorrow will be a good day too. The grass is still green and although I feel like hell the world still looks pretty good from where I am standing.
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Tuesday 17 May 2016

Plastic and the Human Race.....Oil No Longer Black Gold But Toxic Disatster

Oh hum…..I could say I am bored but that would be incorrect. I could say I am frustrated and that would be closer to the truth. Or I could just say that I have once again had it with the human race and think we are all horrible nasty creatures that no longer deserve the beautiful planet that we have been given. How is that for an opener????

Lately I have been feeling tragic and not quite myself. I look around and see the problem of obesity and other illness and it make me angry at the human race. I listen to the news and hear that the war in the middle east had taken the life of another child, mother or group of you people and it makes me want to scream. I look at my neighbours and see the misunderstanding of the simplest things in life and then I hear the news a gain and see an oil spill and wonder when mankind is going to wake up and know what they are doing???
Our planet is alive and we are just an organism that is part of a greater life. But when you look at what we have done to what sustains human life you can call us the cancer of the planet Earth. From just a few decades ago, even thinking back to when I was a child, we have ravaged and destroyed our planet and for what???? Money???? Something man invented and holds more dear than life itself. How sad this makes me to know that it matters not at all to some people that our planet is being murdered. And the sickest thing of all….it is being murdered by them….

Now I am sure you are saying by this point what the hell and who does she think she is??? Well I do not think I am anybody as for a matter of fact I am less than anybody as no one knows my name and no takes me seriously so I am okay with that but what I am not okay with is the justification of destruction by the human race. We cannot ever get along with ourselves and we now have people specially trained to train others to be human at heart. I guess these people have forgotten to teach to be human at heart is to care about everything not just others. Everything includes animals, plants, the oceans and lakes not just ourselves in a toxic cess pool that we have created for ourselves and our children to live in and grow in as functional humans. Ever thought that we are dysfunctional for a reason??? How about this remove the humans and let the planet live. It did so very well for millions of years without the likes of us so what would change? We would simply vanish and any signs of us would grow over with greenery and flowers and the animals would live in the harmony they once had and the planet would survive.

Maybe this is all a really bad experiment gone wrong. I would hate to be the child with that science mark.

Clean it up people and stop buying plastic. Find other resources such as glass, waxed paper, or wooden products. We have exceeded our planet’s ability to renew the natural resources that we extract from it every year. What if someone did that to you??? How would you react??? What if you could not defend yourself???
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