Tuesday, 15 July 2014




I had just been on an errand run with my daughters. We started off in our fair, little cities north end and then wound our way down to the south end to hit some of the bigger stores we needed. Our adventures in the north end was seemingly calm and the people we encountered were the normal of polite, kind, respectable and decent. It all went downhill from there.

We left the north end and travelled through the city to the newer shopping area that is under construction. My husband had wanted a gift from the new sporting store and I was willing to oblige him and I was curious about the new store as well. We arrived and found parking and parked as far away as I possibly could, I like to walk. As we headed towards the store a number of drivers were adjusting their vehicles in the parking spots and of course did not see myself and the girls. Twice in a matter of seconds we were almost struck by a driver with a vehicle. I was alert enough to stop and stop the girls as these individuals insisted on maneuvering before they would let us pass. The epitome of selfish and inconsiderate.

We walked the rest of the lot and managed to make it to the front door unscathed, physically at least only to have the gentleman (very loosely used) in front of us whip the door open and step through without realizing anyone was behind him. The door proceeded to close in my face as the man stood blocking the entry as he decided which direction he was going to go in the store. No offense dude, but, how rude!!! Not only that sir but you were in need of some personal freshening!!!

We managed to escape with our treasure for my husband and get back to our vehicle without incident. I thought we were on the mend. Oh boy!!! Was I wrong…it had only just begun!!!

I pulled our vehicle out of the parking spot and headed for the exit that I could see and hoped it was the right one that would lead me to our next destination without too much fuss. There was a lot of construction and driving through some places was tricky for large vehicles and operators. I managed fine until I came up against a man in a Ford F150. As most of us know this is a massive truck. I pulled over as far as I could to let him by but he insisted that I go first. My initial thought was a retuning of my faith in human kind and respect. No… not at all…!!! I proceeded to go through the space that would only allow a single vehicle through at a time and as I passed he cursed a series of foul verbal words at me that included a horrendous burp that spewed spittle and food at me!!! Thanks a lot, I am not sure what I did to deserve that but it was my impression that you were letting me go first (dripping with syrup sarcasm of course). Utterly disgusting.

My girls sat quietly in the back as they absorbed this behaviour that was unacceptable at the very least. I am appalled at this man who would do this to a woman and her daughters over a moment in a parking lot. You sir, whoever you are have had a despicable moment and that is the moment I will always remember about you.

So from there we moved on through the lot and out onto the street. The light in front of us had turned green and I approached the intersection to turn right. The traffic had stopped and backed up into the intersection blocking the turning lanes and blocking the two lanes to travel through the light. I needed to get over to the far left lane so I could turn left at the next intersection only a few yards up the road. I could not pull forward as the light changed as I would be blocking the intersection and breaking the law. So I stayed where I was until the light up the road changed and the traffic in front of me moved. I then proceeded to move about six feet into the traffic and was stopped by the jam yet again. A man in a green Honda Accord pulled up to the passenger side of my vehicle stopped close to where my six year old was sitting and proceeded to inform me in the most unflattering terms that I needed to learn how to drive. He then came on with a barge of anger that was fit for no one and called me as many names as he could come up with. All the while he was blocking traffic behind him. I rolled down my child’s window so he could see who he was telling off. He drove away quickly when he saw her little face and the fear he had created in her eyes. Sir you are despicable and I am afraid that this might be behaviour you atone yourself to much too often.

Well that incident behind us the driver behind him decided that flipping me the bird was good and that somehow I was responsible for the traffic jam in the lovely south end of our fair city. I am yet to figure how, but it all must have been my fault as…well of course not and the poor behaviour is not my fault either.

So after that we get to our shopping destination and proceed into a packed store with people blocking isles and I only needed four items. We get our four little items and proceed to a jammed checkout with no express lanes. We wait our turn, check through, pay and move to a quiet location to pack our goods. We had just managed to finish and were preparing our buggy and selves to leave when a women in a bright blue tank top with brown hair and a pony tail smashed her buggy into mine and drove my buggy into my right leg and foot. The wheel rode up my foot and the bottom basket drove into my ankle. I bruised almost immediately. She began to walk away after she had taken a brief look at me. I was in a moment of shock and could not say anything from the instant pain she had just delivered to my foot and ankle. I shouted out OUCH!!!!!!!! And she then stopped and without any remorse of feeling said and I quote “I did not mean to run into you”. And she walked away. She knew she had done this to me and had no intention of apologizing at all what so ever. Lady you are despicable and I believe that people like you need some lessons in life about what it is like to be on the other side of being you. People like you have no clue that other people in this world have feelings, be that either physical or emotional and your self-deserving style of living is despicable. I am not normally one to pass judgment on someone I do not know, or know for that matter, someone I do know but in today’s cases I feel that I sit in a good place to be jury and judge as I was cursed at, told off, emotionally abused, physically injured and totally run over. Now please realize I did not sit ideally by and allow this behaviour to go unnoticed by myself. I had several things to say to each of these individuals and tried to do so with some dignity and sarcasm. I am sure it did not go unnoticed for the most part.

All-in-all I cannot understand how impatient we have become and how injuring another human being has become acceptable. Do we not realize that words hurt too? I suppose some of us have not been given the sense that would have been called common not so many years ago and as we over populate this planet and crowd more and more people into an ever shrinking  space I wonder what the future holds if today was so despicable??? 
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Thursday, 3 July 2014

To Be Continued...

I started on a piece today about how rude I felt every person I met today had been and then decided that was just not the direction for today’s writing. So I tossed it into the lucky file number thirteen and changed direction.

I wanted instead to encourage and positively reinforce the human race. I hope I can do that. Nope not today. I then thought I might try my skills at writing my novel; that came out as another nope. So what can I write about? It is not as if I have writers block for here I sit typing away editing as I go. But still no exciting topic to titillate my readers.

The silence of my home even with my children off school is almost eerie. I know they are glued to some pre-teen show that the eldest has controlled to watch. And now I wonder about dinner and my thoughts change I am not hungry. I had to throw out food from the weekend. I hate to waste anything but food is a big pet peeve. After all I grew up knowing that there were many starving children in the world who would be happy for that scrap. Yeah okay Mom and Dad, do those children know that it is rotten or on its way to be rotten and will make them ill? Or do they know that I have had the flu for five days and I am still highly infectious??? Ha…that one would get them every time. They would concede and that small scrap would hit the garbage like a basketball being sunk by a pro!!!

Now that I am a parent I know where mine were coming from with the finish your meal business. We pay for that food and wasting is not allowed. I started with smaller portions to try and alleviate that non-sense in our home, but yet here I sit today at my computer telling you I have just wasted food. I dumped what was worth of about five sandwiches into the garbage and let me tell you there was no basketball star involved. It plunked its way into the can and laid there as if it was mocking me for its last moment before I closed the lid. Yeah…okay…

So with the children off school and the holiday weekend behind us we are beginning the summer with a quiet day. We went shopping and yes were the rudeness was abundant, but I do not want to discuss that. I have on my mind that ever popular question “What to do with them for the rest of the summer?” We are not camp people, although I went for several years and had some great experiences I just do not see the benefit of paying over one thousand dollars for a week in the company of strangers. Not that camps do not have merit. The activities and experiences can be outstanding for children and for young adults as counsellors. I have some fond memories of camp and maybe some not so fond but all-in-all good. So back to my question, what do I do with them?

Well we have already talked about the usual trip into the city to go to places like the Planetarium, Museum, Science Centre etc. But I am yet to come up with that all mind blowing remember it always event. We will need to return to that at a later date. Watch it be a very low key event that takes the number one spot!!!

Well “What’s for dinner?” I better go and coordinate that before the silence is broken by the ever popular “I’m hungry” whine.

To be continued…  

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