Thursday, 15 October 2015

Autumn and the Glory of Just Outside Your Window

Well after ignoring the fact that I am a writer for almost four months I can say I am back. I have had the worst case of writer’s block you could imagine. But not only that I have had nothing to rant about. After we left our former dance studio and made the move to a more positive and honest studio atmosphere the desire to be negative and rant left me. I felt as if the clouds of doom had been lifted and we were free. So that left a void of the rant…it was gone but not forgotten. So today I thought I would bring some positive thoughts and images to your mind.
I rarely describe where I write as I like to be very private but the scene outside my window today is stunning. I write on the upper floor of our home and can see most of our back yard. The edges of the yard are lined with trees each one different. A red maple in the back far corner as the fence becomes irregular and juts into the neighbouring yard. We are flanked by six other properties as the shape of the yard is odd and long but wide in some places and then folds it’s way to the back where it become bent into a smaller version of itself. The Harlequin maple has dropped all of its leaves and sits waiting for winter to blast its way through and line the branches with snow. This is a majestic tree in the spring and summer. The leaves are a soft green in the centre and then a gentle green yellow towards the outside and the branches are overly full of leaves by the late spring. This tree fill up with so many leaves it looks as if it might topple over from the weight above, but it never has and it stands beautiful every year.

Between these two maple trees is a sugar maple. It has died but not quite. There is a very small amount of green leaves still clinging to it last branches. Sadly, it will need to be removed soon. The beech tree and the other tree that will remain unnamed, as I have no idea what variety it is, are still covered in leaves. The beech tree has not even turned yellow yet. The leaves still cling a brilliant green and rustle in the wind attached as if they will remain for the winter. The unknown tree has turned yellow. A bright and glowing colour that covers the branches with a silhouette of fall and the beauty I see from my window.

The grass remains green and scattered with fallen leaves of many colours and crinkled shapes. The vegetable garden is empty but for the last few pepper plants gaining the last rays of sunshine from the days ahead. Their green presence a reminder of the summer just past. The perennial spices remain too. Sage, thyme, mint, chocolate mint, lovage and rosemary all linger in the cooling weather and ready themselves for the long sleep ahead. I will see you all in the spring as you poke your heads up from your sleep. Thank you for your harvest gifts this year, we are grateful. I could almost smell each one of them in turn as I wrote their names.
The glow of the late morning sun sitting low on the horizon brings thoughts of the cold winter days ahead that will set before they awake. The short days that bring the sleep to the world and the refreshing of the land and lakes to come as they sleep alongside and protect the animals that rest over the cold months. But just before that the few days of glory, the days of the bright colours that decorate our landscape just outside our windows.

The dance of the leaves as they fall and swirl in the air plucked by the wind and laid down to rest of the soft grass. These leaves coloured so bright in the sun and the dull grey of a cloudy day bring beauty to a time before the cycle of the night. Before me through my window is a large maple coloured in orange as intense as the sun itself giving off the allure of heat it almost tricks the mind into believing there could be warmth there near it. White clouds in the distance give a definition to the depth of the colour and make seem as if it is brighter, more brilliant, more striking. All the while knowing the chill in the air is there and the smell of autumn has arrived as I look out my window to write.

All Photos By: Lisa Anne
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