Monday, 4 January 2016

Thoughts, the Negative and the Positive

While dabbling in thoughts about what today’s topic should be I came across an old thought. A thought about someone I had not seen in what seems a life time. Now it is a good thing I have not seen this person as I do not want too, but just what is in a thought and how do we manifest odd from bad or indifferent?

I have never given much thought to thought. It occurred to me there was a process for it but I never minded to investigate the process, obviously it occurs in the brain of humans and maybe some animals. But thoughts come in many shapes, sizes and also emotion levels. The thought I had of the person earlier left me feeling somewhat angry as this person had done something to injure me in the past. But it also left me wondering if the old crow was now bald and wrinkled and gave me a good snicker at the mental image I had formed, not a good one.

As a thoughtful person I try my very hardest to have only good thought about people and for the most part I do. It saddens me to think that there are such toxic people out there that when thought of all the thinker wishes is to expel the thought and move onto something more positive, but there are those people that stand in the way and sometimes hijack our thoughts no matter what we do to remove the toxicity the thought remain. It is a fight within ones soul to eliminate the thought that hurt or is binding us mentally to an incident. I personally like to use the red circle and stroke method and then I shrink into the tiniest of pieces and flick it away.

My eldest daughter seems to be the target of bullies at school and she struggles with the thoughts they create and the hurt. We have given her a super power to deal with the remaining hurtful backlash that occurs in her mind. We have talked about her bringing forth her inner Velociraptor. I am not sure why she a lines with this creature but she does and her use of this creature in changing her thought pattern works. It is not in violent thought but thought of strengths and agility and an ability to get away from what is hurting and distracting her from her school work.

It seems to me that we all have our own unique and individual thought patterns and use varied techniques to get through our thoughts and keep them as positive as possible. But is the power of thinking as strong as we have been lead to believe? I have no proof, scientifically anyway about that being true or not, but I do believe that if we think great things it can happen. What I mean is if we constantly look for bad and negative that is all we will find being a pessimist. But if we look to the bright and shiny side of life we could and just might find out that there is a glory out there that belongs to us in a pocket. Something we can own without too much struggle, something we are good at and the world notices, something that is positive. Let’s look at the motivation to loose weight. It takes a thought to get going with the process. It then takes more thought to get to the gym and choose a trainer to help. Then beyond that, we are looking at changing eating habits and relearning to live life without the junk and the television so much and becoming healthy. Keeping those thoughts alive by feeding them with more positive thinking. Yes I do believe that thoughts can and do help us change our lives. The funny thing is though…we must recognize there is a problem to begin with…

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