I took some time and thought about what this week’s
post might be about. Of course I came up blank. I had ideas about complaining
about the state of the world yet again and then decided not to. Most of you re
probably bored with my finger pointing. So I set my mind on a true story and
would like to share it with you.
Most who know me well know that I am a spiritual person
and have certain beliefs that are not from the main stream. I have always been
slightly out there and a definite outcast from the regular norm of society. I
tried hard as a child to have friends but it never seemed to work for very long
as my personality would always get in the way. I would come home from playing
at someone’s house and inevitably something went wrong between myself and the
friend, my parents would always ask what I had done to cause the problem. Well
you can imagine how that would make a child feel. But I am not writing about
that. I was teased and picked on at school and stood up for myself with vengeance.
As a teenager I was a talented figure skater and
dancer and I knew there was hard feelings from friends at school about what my
abilities were. I also have musical abilities. Alright, with some sadness, I
will tell you that any art form I concentrate on and study I can do in general,
this applies to photography as well.
I started taking photos after my father had passed
away about thirteen years ago. He had left in his possessions a digital camera.
I had never used one so I started playing with it and enjoyed using it and
learning how to crop the frame and adjust the light for the right picture. The
longer I played the more I learned and my first daughter was the most
photographed child in town!!!
After about four years the camera broke down and
technology advanced I was stuck buying a new camera. It was digital as well. This
is when I discovered how much I could actually see. I began taking photos with
the new camera and found it simple yet sophisticated enough that my photos were
much better than the old camera. My daughter and I were playing with sparklers in
the back yard of our home when it all started happening. I was wanting to just
get some fun pictures of her playing and dancing about when I looked at the
proof that remains for a moment after you have taken the photo. There it was a
cloud swirling from her feet with tiny dancing balls of white all around her. I
had taken my first photo of orbs.
I was shocked and started taking a series of photos
of her with the sparkler and click after click I was not disappointed. I was
told it was a problem with the camera or it was droppings in the air, dust
particles reflecting from the flash and I was opt almost to believe what I was
being told until I looked more closely at the photos and discovered that the
mist came from the ground and not the sparkler and that some of the orbs appeared
to have parts of faces.
Now it is not that this for me has been a onetime
phenomenon. I have since bought a new camera and this phenomenon continues to
happen only now I see them before I take the photo in the pre flash exposure
through the lens (must be the camera). I have taken photos of other people,
places and objects and I still get the orbs in the exposures.
I have no intention of trying to stop this from
happening as I am interested in what might come out next in any direction. My
second daughter is no exception to the rule of orbs and I have photographed her
many times with the tiny dancing balls of white. Our home as well does not
stand alone and even during the daytime hours I have been known to find the
spirits hanging about in the garden.
So if you have ever had an orb in a photo do not
dismiss it so readily, it could be someone you know trying to be close to you
or your guardian just keeping a peaceful watch.