Monday 6 October 2014


There are very few days in my life I can say I am bored. I constantly have something to do. Today for that matter I am over run with a list of thirty plus activities that I must take care of, but not one of them has any appeal. I have no motivation.

It has always amazed me that human beings can be bored. We have created so many activities for entertainment and yet we still bore ourselves in some way. What is boredom? Well according to Wikipedia, I know you say do not trust it, boredom is an emotional state that occurs when an individual has nothing to do and becomes not interested in their surroundings. I think that sums up today quite nicely.

So what is one to do about being bored? Well it has been suggested that going for a walk or getting fresh air would be of great benefit. I have already done that this morning and I was not bored during the exercise it took a hold of me after shopping and picking up a few items for the house. So again I ask what is one to do about being bored?

I guess I time the emotion has and will wear off as something more exciting comes along but what underlies boredom? Is it being tired and the lack of concentration or could it be just an inability to be clear minded and focus on a task? Well I must say that writing about boredom has alleviated my boredom but what about you? Are you able to change course during the day to not be bored at your job or go for a walk during lunch (if you get one)?

The mundane, the repetitive, the boring. We can all find ways to occupy time that entertain us remember your parents saying “Go outside and find something to do.” and you would. Well maybe we should all go and play like we were children again that might do the trick. I know it would for me. There is one huge pile of leaves in our back yard right now…
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