Thursday 23 July 2015

Short and Sweet, Blocked by Nothing

I do not know if it is summer or just a good case of writer’s block but I have had blanks in my overly creative mind for the last couple of weeks. The exercising went downhill with the rise in temperatures and out the window flew the words that usually end up on a page. Frustration for someone who never stops thinking.

I have often wondered how other writers deal with writer’s block, but have never asked or even really thought about asking another writer. I suppose it is just something we deal with and try as hard as we can to move on. I force myself to write this blog right now. I think it maybe loosening but there is still that feeling of pressure in the back of my mind.  


Writing is such a self-motivated career especially if you are a fiction writer and rely on your own thoughts to produce the work. Now if you work for a company in which you write technical manuals I suppose the writing never stops as it is fairly cut and dried what one puts down on the page. But those of us who adore the fiction, the creation of the story, the settings, the development of characters and the journey the mind takes as the story unfolds we have a tendency to get lost in the creative abbyss of nothingness. Sad really when you think of it because I know when I am driving and cannot write anything down I have great lines or story possibilities. Another bummer of a place is the shower when everything is wet including paper and pen and jotting down the next best seller is out of the question.

Another killer of the inspirational mind is the having he children home from school. Do not get me wrong I love my children deeply, but, as most and all parents can attest children sap your mind of all things and distract you to a point to where all the good ideas just disappear. Now that being said the opposite can take place too. If you write children’s stories you can spend the summer with your note book and jot down all kinds of great story ideas and listen to them talk to catch great lines. We all know that children can say some of the most amazing things at times.

So I must say there is an A side and a B side to all of this writer’s block and the mind drain of summer. I must just walk about with my note book and write it all down. I am sure my children will fill the creative gaps if I listen and they will help refuel the empty tank.

See I am writing better already!!! Now go ahead and try it, you may find that master piece is just in front of you!!!

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