I love to write and complain sometimes but today is
different. The world seems a little different itself. How I have not put my finger
on but it is different. The grass is green and the dandelions have died back
for a couple of weeks and the vegetable garden is planted and we are having a
heat wave. It could be the weather but something is different.
There are so many myths surrounding health it is hard
to know what is the truth and what is fiction. I personally like the one about
tying onions to the feet of a person with a cold and it will draw out the
infection and virus. Yes….I said it out loud tie an onion slice to the feet of
an ill person the bottom of thee feet by the way. I can tell you one thing
about onions they do seem to draw dirt and germs to them for some reason or
another but to cure a cold seems just too far-fetched for me.
So to cure a nose bleed it was suggested to drink whey and eat raisins. I am not sure what the logic behind this as it was not explained but it sounds kind of hokey to me. What does a raisin have to do with our noses???
Here is a personal favorite, to cure gout in the hand put a raw lean beef steak on it and change it every twelve hours until cured. Wow that is an expensive cure too bad the meat is not eatable afterwards!!!
How about bloodletting to drain an illness from the body. Just makes one weak and more ill as far as I am concerned. Good thing these practices are archaic and not used any more. We have come a long way with medical treatments and knowledge. Thank goodness….
I am sure the list goes on and on over crazy cures for illness. We had a neighbour who believed himself a healer of some sort and often practiced crazy folk lore medicine in his home. Nothing ever worked and they always wound up at the doctor’s office sicker than sick. Personal choice of course but to what end? We have such great medical knowledge now a days that we have no excuse for being silly. I mean come on onions on the feet….I cannot stop laughing!!!
That brings me to my thought on prevention of illness. We must remember that not everything is preventable and not everything is curable either. We are humans and we are fallible so why is it that we are still not immunizing our children??? I have read articles and listened to media reports and heard the schools talk about it too and how important it is to do this for the health of our children. And for the health of others that have medical reasons to not have immunizations because they may be life threatening. If you have not heard there is new research that has come out claiming that it is not the immunizations that are causing Autism it could be the over use of folic acid and B12 supplements that are having an adverse effect on the developing fetus. That is yet to be determined and studied in depth of course. http://www.ibtimes.com/what-causes-autism-new-study-links-folic-acid-mysterious-syndrome-affecting-child-2367590
But never mind my side ways rant, today is still a
good day and tomorrow will be a good day too. The grass is still green and
although I feel like hell the world still looks pretty good from where I am