Although this is dwindling for a different and new response I still hear or even catch myself saying it.
“Perfect” as a statement is not cute or endearing and at
this time it is one of the most absurd statements that is being over used and
insults most people without them even knowing. How can it be insulting you ask?
Well let’s ask, “What is perfect?”
Perfect is defined by Collins Dictionary as finished, whole,
unspoiled, faultless, excellent, of the highest quality. So does this apply to
the human being themselves or to the act between two or more individuals? As a spiritualist I have studied for many
years to obtain perfect and have in my studies realized that perfect is a state
and not necessarily an absolute. Perfect is not obtainable by any human
standards I know of. It is not the act nor is it the person who is perfect.
So what does it mean to each of us? Well to some it is this
grossly unobtainable level of accomplishment that continues to stretch out of
the person’s reach. The bar who ever is in control of it being raised or
lowered continues to push it out of reach. This makes perfect by any standards
impossible. So that leaves you with good enough. Well isn’t that a self-esteem
builder? Never being satisfied with what the accomplishment is and not what
else it can or could be. How can a society filled with such diverse individuals
force perfect on everybody? Well, we as a human race have standards to live up
to. You are a law abiding citizen, you have a job, you are to treat every body
the way you want to be treated etc. So the standards are met and most of us sit
back and say we have done enough and that it is good enough. But yet we still
are pushed for perfection even beyond our own ability to perform. The
consequences of the push are nasty, depression, stress, heart attacks, are just
a few to mention.
So moving forward with “perfect” are we lazy or self
satisfied? What are your personal standards for perfect? Most of us have
learned in life that there is a higherarchy of the human race and that some of
us are more privileged than others. But that does not mean that our idea of
perfect should be on the same scale. As human beings we are naturally lazy and
unsatisfied. Donald Trump’s version of perfect is certainly different than the
homeless person on the street corner with his hand out for spare change. Not saying
the homeless man is lazy, just unfortunate. But there are those of us who are
innately lazy and have expectations of life with no regard for the amount of
work contributed to society to become one of the Trumps of the world and then
sit back and complain that they are amongst the have nots. Well those people
can stuff it where the sun don’t shine!!! If you are not going to work for it
you will not have it!!! So where do we draw the line at satisfied? That is once
again an individual choice. If you believe that stopping work everyday at 5 pm
sharp is going to get you that raise and promotion think again. It will be the
dude in the carol next to you who stays that little bit longer to get the days
work done. So once again ask what is lazy and what is satisfied and how does
satisfied meet perfection?
Well if you become satisfied with the career you
have and that meets your life goals than it is entirely possible that you have
obtained perfection with your career and financial life. That is terrific!!!
But what about those of us who have raised the bar for someone else, the bosses
of this world the Donald Trumps; why do you feel that inflicting your version
of perfect on the rest of us is mandatory? Well if we think about it, it is
about improving the human race in general, but if you believe that please read
some of my other articles on What Really is Spirituality and Following Your Own
Life’s Path.. As human beings we need to pushed to accomplish otherwise we are
lazy and never strive for perfection or even satisfaction. Take a good look at
the guy with the well-manicured lawn and garden what do you think he or she is
striving for and what is their accomplishment of perfect? It would seem
typically to be raised standards and a little bit of friendly competition from
around the neighborhood.
So when someone says to you in response “Perfect.” how do
you feel? Insulted, condescended too, as if this person knows what your idea of
perfect is? Maybe if it is the exact amount of change for an item purchase the
response “Perfect.” can be applied but to the everyday activities and the
motions that we go through it is nobody else’s business what you think is
perfect or not. It is a “to each his own” kind of area with in the human
psyche. Remember don’t tread on my perfect and I won’t tread on yours. Who
needs these ridiculous catch phrases anyways?