As I sit here at my
desk and wonder what to write about I find my thoughts are scattered today. For
most blogging is a passion and not a career. I am one of the passionate ones. I
make absolutely no money informing people about how crappy the human race truly
can be. Maybe you have noticed that I write commentary that gently slaps
humanity in the face.
It is not that I want
human beings to be crappy, I want them to be better. Better to the world,
better to each other and mostly better to themselves. Life is not easy when you
have children, a mortgage and other responsibilities, but why have we let that
become the societal norm to the western world? Because we all want what each
other has…it is that simple. We are never satisfied and strive for more, but that
strive has achieved us what…more of what? Well look around your home, it is
decorated well with well-made furnishing, are your cooking pots from Canada or
the US made. You get the idea and where I am going with this. I look around and
find that more has brought in the cheap junk toys, the expensive spatula that
broke on its third use, the vacuum that will not pick up the dust and the parts
break if you bump the base boards too hard. Wanting more has brought us to a
level of consumerism that sucks. Junk is cheap, easy to make and disposable, so
what is wrong with that?
What is wrong with it
is that more cheap breakable crap we buy and give to our children or use ourselves, the more
packaging we use (to keep breakage and theft at bay), the more disposable our world becomes
the more we pollute our planet. Yes there I said it we are destroying our
planet. And really if you have some fantasy about going to Mars, get over it
because that is not going to happen in this or any other lifetime. Not only are
we destroying the health of our planet we are destroying our own health as we nosh
down on fast food, Halloween candy (how many parents out there are at the junk that
was brought home after secretly wanting it to begin with?) and the ready made
foods from the grocery store.
I get it the days of
the stay at home “Leave It To Beaver” household are gone. Truly I would not
want those days back, the hair do alone would kill me, let alone the dresses,
and we have come along way with technology since then and it has improved our
lives. But in the same breath it has taken away many things we crave as people.
People can get lonely when
they are not social. Yes, humans are social creatures. We need to interact
with each other on a personal level so that we can grow and form our personalities.
Wait for it…now add in computer games. These games are usually solitary and are
performed for the most part in the seated position. Great that is just
wonderful, now our human being is not only alone but sedentary and eating
crappy foods. What is wrong with this picture? It makes me sad to think of
someone like this, in this state of disrepair as a person and our planet in
this state of disrepair and a living being. Yes our planet is just like a
living, breathing human being and we are killing it slowly.
So what do you say that
we take some time and do a few things for the human race and our planet. How
about lowering your own household environmental foot print? Buy reusable
sandwich bags (can be found on Pintrest), use cloth shopping bags instead of
taking the plastic ones from the store, recycle everything that is recyclable
and make this a habit. Hold governments accountable for the recycling initiatives
and make sure they follow through. Turn your heat down and wear a sweater, get
off the couch and move you will warm up, don’t just turn your heat up get up.
Take a closer look at packaging of toys, foods, and other consumer goods and
refuse to buy anything that has way too much packaging. Stop eating everything
in the grocery store, learn how to cook (look that up on the web) healthy meals
that will give you leftovers for lunches. Buy fresh fruit a couple of times a
week and eat it. If you take it with you, you will eat it just because it is
there. Most of all have will power to make positive changes in your life and
your environment. It takes twenty-one days to make or break a habit. Let’s try
to make some new good ones that will benefit all.
Now get out there and live and make the healthy choice for yourself and our planet. We can do for ourselves with ease, but our planet will take team work!!!